About Streamvisor

At Streamvisor, our team is made up of long-term members of the Pulsar community, having worked at companies like StreamNative, Alibaba Cloud and the Boston Consulting Group. Contributing to projects like Apache Pulsar and Apache Flink, open source software is at the heart of our business.

We combine our technical expertise from years of running these technologies in production, with strong business know-how having built data-intensive companies in the past.

Our mission is to make Pulsar accessible and enable businesses to capture the full potential of their data in a frictionless way through our innovative tools and technologies.

Meet the founders

Helping you solve your Apache Pulsar challenges.

Alexander Preuß photo

Alexander is our tech lead and a longtime contributor to various projects in the data streaming space such as Apache Flink and Apache Pulsar. Before founding Streamvisor he worked at Ververica (acquired by Alibaba) and StreamNative.

Alexander Le Prince photo
Business development

Alexander started his career at the Boston Consulting Group. Afterwards, he founded a fintech with a strong B2B tech focus. His start-up data streaming architecture was based on Apache Kafka.

William Winberg photo

William is a full-stack developer specializing in web applications who has gained first hand Pulsar expertise at StreamNative before joining Streamvisor.

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