Problems & Solutions

How Streamvisor can help you with Pulsar

Through our hands-on experience at Streamvisor, deep immersion in the Pulsar ecosystem, and insightful interviews, we've pinpointed Pulsar user challenges and meticulously crafted our product to tackle these issues.

Problem: Missing insights

Navigating billions of messages in a topic or managing Pulsar's numerous configurations can be daunting. Without the right tools, you might feel lost and too dependent on Pulsar specialists or an overloaded operations team.

Do you sometimes ask yourself?

  • How do I locate specific data among vast amounts of messages?
  • What's the current structure of my topic's data?
  • How can I trace issues, like an error with a particular orderId?

Solution: Data exploration

Gain comprehensive insight into your Pulsar environment's current state and its historical activity. Accelerate application development and provide quick feedback for your development team.

What you can expect:

  • Search, Sort & Filter: Quickly find messages by key, value, or metadata.
  • View Messages: See message data with support for Json, Avro, and Protobuf.
  • Analyze Schemas: Review data structures, track schema changes, and understand their impact.

Problem: Administration

Pulsar is a crucial task for your organization but not easy. With looming project deadlines, precious time is often spent on basic Pulsar operations like setting up topics and unblocking stuck consumers.

Do you sometimes ask yourself?

  • Where is the documentation?
  • How do I unblock my consumer?
  • What arguments do I need to pass to the CLI?
  • I need to change the number of partitions, how do I do that?
  • Can I bypass that message without having to change my application?

Solution: Unified management

Pulsar offers a vast range of APIs, metrics, and numerous operational features. Equipping engineering teams with the right tools to efficiently manage Pulsar applications, data, and schemas is more critical than ever.

What you can expect:

  • Schema Oversight & Verification: Progress your schemas and verify the coherence of modifications.
  • Resource Setup: Create, edit and delete Pulsar resources like tenants, namespaces and topics.
  • Subscription Management: Unblock consumers or reset subscriptions to reprocess historic data.

Problem: Troubleshooting

Though deploying applications on Pulsar is pretty straightforward, pinpointing issues requires the right tools. As your organization builds out more microservices and streaming apps, efficiently navigating the multitude of Pulsar resources – from tenants, namespaces and topics to subscriptions and producers – becomes crucial.

Do you sometimes ask yourself?

  • Are my consumers still running?
  • Why is the throughput tanking?
  • What message is causing my application to crash?

Solution: Pulsar diagnostic suite

Streamline your troubleshooting process with a comprehensive toolkit tailored for Pulsar. As you expand your event-driven architecture, our solution simplifies resource management, ensuring all the information about your topics, producers subscriptions is right at your fingertips and easy to navigate.

What you can expect:

  • Key indicators: Check important metrics
  • Drill down: From tenant-level to topic partitions to individual consumers
  • Quick remedy: Keep your data pipelines running

Our aim is to make your Pulsar operations easy

Speed up deployment, bolster trust in operating Pulsar, and solidify dependability in your Pulsar setup


Empower Your Team

  • Equip your team with tools for both routine and complex Pulsar operations.
  • Accelerate troubleshooting via quicker investigations & enhance productivity.
  • Allow your developers to concentrate on creating business value.

Avoid Operational Disruptions

  • Avoid incidents by enforcing best practices and preventing harmful ones.
  • Detect performance degradation before it turns into a problem.
  • Mitigate business impact by quickly taking the right actions.

Ease Pulsar Adoption

  • No power user knowledge is required to operate Pulsar.
  • Reduce mental effort and avoid costly context switches .
  • Assist Business Analysts, Product Owners, and Data Scientists in exploring data.

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